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The 10 Social Media Mistakes that Can Damage Your Brand’s Reputation Forever

by BrandBerry Marcom / 2016-12-01 18:54:55

Social media is an essential part of the worldwide web. People connect withsocial media platforms,every day. Social media platforms are accessible around the world but particularly in India,according to a statement by IAMAI (Internet and Mobile Association India), "66% of the 180 million online users in urban India frequently access social media platforms. Whereas, 33% college students are frequent social media users form the biggest demographic in India, non-working women and working women are just 11% and 7% respectively."

So, people are frequently using social media platforms in India and we believe that this is a great opportunity for businesses to utilize social media marketing in India to market their products or services.

For a business, social media marketing in India is a competitive battlefield - by following the correct approach you would get thousands of new followers, and by making silly mistakes you will surely lose those followers forever.

Although some mistakes may look innocent, but they have the potential to damage your brand's reputation forever.

Here are the 10 social media mistakes you should definitely avoid if you wish to be successful in your business industry and to maintain your brand's reputation:

1. Inconsistent Posting

This could happen due to various reasons such as you don’t have sufficient time to devote yourself to social media marketing and your interest for the tactic ups and downs. Whatever the reason, your social media posts are inconsistent. Webet your followers will notice this and without muchanticipation from you, they definitely won’t stick around.

2. Using an Incoherent Tone

When several people manage one particular account, this problem occurs, but it could be overcome easily. Recognize key features of your brand’s tone, and use those as your business’proposal. Again, users want something they can trust.

3. Selling Continuously

Yes, social media is a marketing tool that you can use to generate more sales, but don’t thinkof itonly as a sales generation tool. Users access social media because it’s a social network—they want to connect with other persons and brands. If you continuously market your goods or services on social media, you’ll damage your reputation completely. Market your goods and services in frequently, but your major tactic must be focused on developing social dependability.

4. Relying on Rigid Responses

Every time some body asks a question from a brand on social media, he or she is replied with the fixed message, like “kindly contact our customer service representative for more info (link).” This might save your time, but you may lose your reputation by making yourself robotic, insensitive, and deceitful. Take your time andalways respond with unique messages.

5. Spamming

Don’t send post content or messages that can be irritating to your followers; do this sometimes, and see your followers list getting down. Some examples can be too much message posting in a day, frequently posting the same message, or sending direct advertising messages to followers. If you’re concerned about this, consider what you would desire as a social media user. Would this message be helpful to you?

6. Inappropriate Humor

Humor isn’t just greatfor social media; it’s a flattering tactic. Humor shows eccentricity, and makes your followers connected to you. Still, not all jokes are suitable, and there’s a fine line between what your viewers would think in appropriate and appropriate. Be careful with what you're posting, and if you haveany doubt, discard it.

7. Following a Trend You Don’t Understand

It is a great idea to take lead on trending hash tags on social media platforms for more visibility, but be cautious how you do it. History is filled with examples of businesses who took such appraises, but didn’t completely understand the hash tag utilization before posting. This makes you look unaware at best and manipulative at worst, and can even offend the targeted users of the trend.

8. Showing Inattentiveness

Be cautious what topics you decide to search on social media and what level of attention you give to whiners. Approaching a sensitive matter in a way that may seem unfair (such as reacting to a national calamity with a sale advertisement) would extremely damage your reputation.

9. Overlooking Your Followers

When somebody asks your company a question, answer its incerely. When somebody praises your brand, express gratitude. These are fundamental principles of establishing dependable social connections, and if you overlook them, you’ll lose your place in the respect division—not only with your followers you just ignored, but also with other users who watched the snub.

10. Circulating Misinformation

Although you would never eagerly misinform your audience, you might in accurately post something that encloses incorrect or ambiguous information. People have a normal disbelieve of brands, so any wrong step in the trust section can be a major disaster. Check the authenticity of each post before it goes online, and validate your sources.

To conclude, social media marketing in Delhi region is swiftly expanding and offering new opportunities to businesses so that they can effectively generate better revenues from their products and services. If used wisely with the aid of professional social media marketing agencies in Delhi and without making the blunders discussed above, this form of marketing can prove to be a catalyst for businesses.

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